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Advisory Platform Subscription & Billing Management

Updated: 1 May 2024
  1. How does billing work?

  2. How is the amount due calculated?
  3. Can I pay manually upon receiving an invoice instead of setting up monthly automatic payments?

  4. Can I specify what day of the month or year automatic payments are taken?

  5. How do I get a copy of my invoices and receipts of my Aider payments?

  6. How do I find out what clients we are being charged for?

  7. How is my total bill calculated if I import, activate, or deactivate clients during my monthly or yearly subscription?

  8. Me and my colleague added the same client, will we be charged twice for the same client?
  9. Who can see my subscription, billing and payment information?
  10. How do I change or cancel my subscription?
  11. Will I get a refund if I cancel my subscription or go down a tier mid-period?
  12. What payment methods does Aider accept?
  13. How do I add, remove, or change my payment method?
  14. Will my payment card details be stored safely?
  15. How do I change my billing contact?

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How does billing work?

Here at Aider, we use a secure payment gateway system (Stripe) to automatically bill and collect payment for your account.

  • Because our pricing is designed to suit you, you can choose to be billed monthly OR annually. Depending on which you choose, you will either be billed once per month on the same day each month, or once per year on the same day each year. 
    • Your billing will start on the date that you enter your payment details and start your paid subscription.
    • You will be billed once per month OR once per year on the same date (depending on whether you choose a monthly subscription or an annual subscription).
  • You will be billed in advance at the start of a billing period based on the number of ACTIVATED clients you have on the billing date. 
  • Payment will be taken automatically on the billing date. If you have more than one payment method set up, payment will be taken from your default payment method. Your invoices and receipts will be available under ‘Invoice History’ on the 'Manage Subscription' screen.

You can manage your subscription and billing setup by selecting ‘Account Settings’ (bottom icon on the left blue bar) > 'Manage Subscription'.

How is the amount due calculated?

On your invoices and current plan summary, your amount due is based on:

  1. Quantity of Aider Base Platform (per client) - this shows the number of activated clients you currently have on the platform.
  2. Flat fee - this is the tier price due based on the number of activated clients you currently have on the platform.
  3. If you have a discount code, then you will also see the discount amount applicable.
  4. If you are in New Zealand, then you will also see the GST amount applicable.

Can I pay manually upon receiving an invoice instead of setting up monthly automatic payments?

No, we do not offer a manual billing and payment option. Please set up your payment method for automatic billing and payment. If you have any questions about your bills, please contact our friendly Customer Success Team.

Can I specify what day of the month or year automatic payments are taken?

No, the billing date is determined by the day you enter your payment information and start your paid subscription. Subsequent bills and payments will be this same day of the month OR same day of the year for all future months/ years (depending on whether you choose a monthly or annual subscription).

How do I get a copy of my invoices and receipts of my Aider payments?

Your invoices and receipts will be listed under ‘Invoice History’. Simply select ‘Account Settings’ (bottom icon on the left blue bar) > 'Manage Subscription' > ‘Invoice History’.

How do I find out what clients we are being charged for?

  • Aider only charges you for clients that your team has activated in Aider. You will not be charged for clients that have been imported but not activated.
  • If you are the person who set up the practice account initially, you will be designated as the practice ‘Admin’ and you will be able to see the activation status of all of the clients imported into Aider by your team.
  • If you have been invited to join the practice account, you will only see the activation status of clients imported by you or you have been granted access to.
  • To check which clients have been activated, go to 'Clients Management'' > 'Manage Clients' or 'Customise selection'. Click on the filter icon in the "Advisory Platform" column to filter out clients that have not been activated.

How is my total bill calculated if I import, activate, or deactivate clients during my monthly or yearly subscription?

Monthly Subscriptions:

  • Changes in the number of activated clients will have no effect on the current month that you already paid for.
  • Your bills next month will be based on the number of activated clients on next month's billing date. 
  • If you are an existing customer as of 1 May 2024, you will be switched over to this new simplified billing policy when you import, activate, or deactivate any clients.

Discounted Yearly Subscriptions:

  • If you activate more clients, and your practice's total increases above your prepaid tier's upper limit, then our team will get in touch to settle the price difference for the remainder of the billing year that you prepaid. 
  • If you deactivate clients and qualify for a lower pricing tier, your new annual pricing will take effect on your annual plan renewal date. 
  • You can also choose to switch to a standard priced monthly subscription on next year's plan renewal date. Please note there is no refund for prepaid annual subscription. 
  • For more information, please contact our friendly customer success team.

Me and my colleague added the same client, will we be charged twice for the same client?

No. Your clients are counted at a practice level. If you and your colleague share the same client, that client is only counted once in your billing calculation, and only if the client has been activated by a team member.

Who can see my subscription, billing and payment information?

Any advisor in your practice who has access to your Aider account can manage your subscription and billing. For your protection, payment card information will only display the last four digits of your card number, as well as the expiration date. 

How do I change or cancel my subscription?

  • For monthly subscriptions, tier change is automatic based on the total number of activated clients on the next billing date.
  • For annual subscriptions, our team will get in touch with billing information updates, should the total number of activated clients exceed the maximum for your current pricing tier. You will have the option to upgrade by settling the price difference for the remainder of the billing year, or deactivate clients to stay within your current tier's limit. Your bill for the next year will be based on the number of activated clients on next year's billing date.
  • To cancel your subscription, simply select ‘Account Settings’ (bottom icon on the left blue bar) > 'Manage Subscription' > ‘Cancel Plan’. 
  • Cancellation takes effect on the plan renewal date. You can find this date on your subscription management page. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to process a cancellation request. So please ensure you cancel at least 24 hours before your plan renewal date. 

    Once your cancellation takes effect, access to Aider will automatically be disabled for all of your advisors. If you cancel mid-period, your advisors can continue to use the platform for the remainder of the period.

    To reactivate your service, simply select ‘Update Payment Settings’ > ‘Renew Plan’.

Will I get a refund if I cancel my subscription or go down a tier mid-period?

No, your subscription will simply be cancelled starting with the next billing period. Your Aider account will continue to be available for the rest of the current billing month or year (depending on whether you are on a monthly or annual subscription) which you would have already paid for. You will not receive a refund for the time that you have already paid for, however you can still use the platform during that leftover time.

What payment methods does Aider accept?

We accept payment by credit and debit card only.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, and UnionPay.

How do I add, remove, or change my payment method?

  • To manage your payment method, select ‘Account Settings’ (bottom icon on the left blue bar) > 'Manage Subscription' > ‘Payment Method’.
  • To set up a new payment method, select the ‘Add Payment Method’ option under ‘Payment Method’ – then enter your payment card information. If you already have another payment method set up as your default, you can choose to use the new payment method as your default instead.
  • To remove a payment method, select the “...” next to that payment method, then ‘Delete’ from the pop-up menu. If a payment method is the default payment method, you won't be able to delete it until you set up or choose another payment method as the default payment method.
  • To change the default payment method, select the “...” next to the payment method you want to use, and select ‘Make Default’ from the pop-up menu.

Will my payment card details be stored safely?

Payment methods that you set up via 'Manage Subscription' > ‘Add Payment Method’ screen will be stored securely. Your card information will be protected in accordance with international PCI compliance regulations. Only the last four digits of your card, along with its expiration date will be displayed on the 'Manage Subscription' screen.

How do I change my billing contact?

The first advisor within your practice to set up the payment method will become your billing contact.

  • To see who your current billing contact is, select ‘Account Settings’ (bottom icon on the left blue bar) > 'Manage Subscription' > ‘Billing Information’.
  • To change your billing contact, select ‘Update Information’ under ‘Billing Information’. Here, you can change your email address, billing address and contact phone number.

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