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Advisory Platform Subscription Pricing

Updated: 21 May 2024

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How much does Aider’s Advisory Platform cost?

  • Subscription pricing:
    Aider has a tiered pricing structure based on the total number of clients your firm activated in Aider’s Advisory Platform. You can import as many clients and add as many users as you need without having to worry about extra costs.
    See tier allowance and current pricing to find out more
    If you pay annually, you will enjoy a 15% discount upfront on the prices.
    Enquire about this discount >
  • Implementation fee
    We know you're serious about taking your firm to the next level. That's why we support you with implementation of Aider across your firm. Our implementation programme covers period close, scaling advisory and more. Fees are customised based on the size of your firm and your requirements.
    Contact our Sales Team to find out more

Pricing for existing customers:

  • If you are a paying customer on 31 October 2023, you will continue to enjoy your existing pricing until 31 October 2024, after which you will automatically be switched to the current market pricing.
  • If you started your subscription during 1 Nov 2023 - 1 May 2024, you will continue to enjoy your existing pricing until you are notified by Aider later in 2024. You will be given advance notice before being switched to the current market pricing. 

Sign up for Aider’s Advisory Platform.

What is the price in my local currency?

  • If you are based in New Zealand or Australia, the prices shown are in your local currency.
  • If you are in any other country, the prices shown are in US dollars.

Is the price inclusive of GST / sales tax?

  • No, the prices do not include any local GST / sales tax. 
  • GST is only charged if you are in New Zealand.
  • If you are in any other country, no GST / sales tax will be added.

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